Computer Society- 21.5.2020
The IEEE Student Branch of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai has conducted an online debugging event 404 Error found under Computer Society for students to give a fresh try-out to code. This event was initiated for the welfare of the students to start up their coding career, as this would be very helpful for them to train and test their skills. The event was held on 21 st May, 2020 between 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Nearly 200 students from different colleges across India have registered and participated in this event. The motive of this contest is to debug the errors in the program and rewrite them accordingly such that the test case passes. It was hosted in the HackerRank where it provided an easy way of evaluating the scores and creating an automated leader board. There were a total of 30 questions with easy, medium and difficult levels holding 5 points for each right answer, thus summing up to a total score of 150 points.