
The IEEE SJCE SB மாணவர் மன்றம் of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering in association with IEEE Madras Section conducted an online art competition “ஓவிய வானம்”.
She Thinks

The IEEE SJCE SB மாணவர் மன்றம் of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering in association with IEEE Madras Section conducted an online art competition “ஓவிய வானம்”.
Tierra – Quiz Contest

The IEEE SJCE SB மாணவர் மன்றம் of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering in association with IEEE Madras Section conducted an online art competition “ஓவிய வானம்”.
ஓவிய வானம்
The IEEE SJCE SB மாணவர் மன்றம் of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering in association with IEEE Madras Section conducted an online art competition “ஓவிய வானம்”.

The “TEDx TALKS” is an online English elocution event for students conducted by the Student Branch Chapter of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering under Women In Engineering Affinity Group on 28thNovember 2022 A total of 20 Participants participated in the event.

The IEEE Student branch and two IEEE students (Ms. Abinayaa Sri T IV -year/EEE 2019-2023 batch, Mr. Mohamed Aashik S IV-year/EEE 2019-2023 Batch) of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering applied and got selected for the OUTSTANDING STUDENT BRANCH , OUTSTANDING WIE STUDENT VOLUNTEERS, OUTSTANDING STUDENT VOLUNTEER Conducted by the India council at Kerala.