The IEEE Power Electronics Society Of St.Joseph’s College Of Engineering Conducted ELECTROCRAZE an enthusiastic technical offline event , exclusively for second year students from EEE Department on May 23rd, 2022. The event went well and the interaction between the participants and thoughts they came up with was highly encouraging. There was a small connections game consisting of 10 questions with teams of two. The participants who scored more was given options to choose from 5 topics. The Topics were Robotics, IOT, Machine learning, Block chain and Data Security. One participant from each team came out to speak about the topic given. from the 10 minutes of time given to them for preparation and they came up with interesting facts and ideas which they discussed with their teamate. A total of around 10 people took part.E-certificates were sent to all the participants. The student coordinators for this event were Alwyn Samuel M, Harry Jakin, Darsini, Nivas, Nandhivarman Reddy.
Co-Organizing unit : IEEE SJCE PELS
Conducted Date                    :  23/05/2021
Total no. of Participants       : 12  Â