Eu-Reka or Edu-Reka is an IEEE Pune section annual national event which is conducted with a nationwide vision of making an impact on urban and rural school using young volunteers from engineering and technological background as Ambassadors of Education. This event is organized by IEEE Pune section in collaboration with the IEEE Education society of Pune Section and The IEEE India Council.
About 7 teams participated from our college, each team conducted numerous educational sessions and webinars both online and offline as a part of the event. Our student teams visited over 32 schools in various districts across Tamil Nadu in the time allotted, accounting for roughly 10% of the overall contribution to the event as educational ambassadors on a national scale. Three teams were selected as regional winners and advanced to the finals. These 3 teams presented their educational contributory activities during the event as a presentation to the panel in the Finale and Two teams were shortlisted as National Winners.
Our SB Counsellor Mr. Sreekanth who is also our mentor, as well as the two winning teams, attended the Valedictory ceremony in Pune on November 26th, 2021. The Chief guest of the ceremony was The Director of IEEE Region 10, Dr. Deepak Mathur. He presented both teams with the First Prize Medallion and a cash prize of Rs. 15,000 was awarded to the winning teams. The organising committee provided excellent feedback to the mentor as well as the teams.
One of the Winning teams comprising of Final year students Akshaya S, Arangan Rishikesh T, Bavithra Rajan S and Arvind G K competed on the track, Medical Technologies for Health and Wellbeing while the other winning team comprising of Pre-Final Year Students Priyanka J, Maria Shirley John L M, Jesse S and Mani Sha N competed on the track, Technology for agriculture and food processing. Both the teams contributed several interactive sessions to school children on the track they chose as a part of the event.