IEEE Spectrum is the world’s largest professional organisation devoted to engineering and the applied sciences. It contains peer-reviewed feature articles pertaining to technology and science trends affecting business and society. This spectrum was conducted to enlighten the young minds and some skilful knowledge out of it. The speaker Ms. M J Shabana Asmeen spoke on the “ Meta’s AI agents learn to move by copying toddlers”. The speaker enlightened us with the idea that “In a simulated environment, a disembodied skeletal arm powered by artificial intelligence lifted a small toy elephant and rotated it in its hand. It used a combination of 39 muscles acting through 29 joints to experiment with the object, exploring its properties as a toddler might. Then it tried its luck with a tube of toothpaste, a stapler, and an alarm clock. In another environment, disembodied skeletal legs used 80 muscles working through 16 joints to kick and flex, engaging in the kind of “motor babbling” that toddlers do as they work toward walking.” The participants had an amazing experience in the meet and enjoyed the entire session.
Co-Organizing unit               : IEEE Spectrum SJCE
Conducted Date                    : 19/08/23
Total no. of Participants       : 20