The “Network With a Star” is a webinar conducted by IEEE SJCE SBC on 13th september 2022. A total of 60 Participants attended the webinar. The Presenter Dr. Thangarajan Rajkumar is a professor and Head of the Department of Molecular Oncology, Cancer Institute, Chennai. He provided an explanation of cancer, informed us about serval cancer related malignancies, and raised awareness of them. Also he discussed many unexplored aspects of cancer. Finally, he covered cancer prevention and treatment. Then, he responded in-depth to the queries posted by the attendees in the meet. The speaker receives an E-memento at the end of the webinar as a thank you for sharing his perspective on cancer.
Co-Organizing unit               :  IEEE STUDENT BRANCH
Conducted Date                    :  13/09/2022
Total no. of Participants       : 50