St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) organized an non governmental organization  visit  on 27th August 2022 for the students of second year (C section) . They  had a visit to a orphanage near  by our college . Our college offered special lunch to all the inmates of the orphanage. Students are provided with transport facilities to visit the homes on activity Saturdays. They also spent their pocket money in a useful manner by offering the needy things like rice bags, groceries, toys, clothes, pillows etc. for the inmates. NGO activities bring out the hidden potentials of the young mind to service the needy people and make them a responsible citizen. They gain an exposure to the down trodden lifestyle which is the need of the hour for our country’s development.
Co-Organizing unit : IEEE STUDENT BRANCH
Conducted Date                    :  27/08/2020
Total no. of Participants : 50