We, the IEEE Student Chapter of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, conducted a talk titled ‘POWER OF PERSPECTIVES’ on November 9, 2023, in the AV Hall of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering from 10:00 to 11:30 AM. During this talk, Mr. Sharan Ramesh, the former Secretary of IEEE SJCE SB and Assistant Manager at Adani Power, Jaipur, shared his experiences in the IEEE journey and discussed opportunities for placements in the power sector for students of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) Department . Approximately 150 students participated in this event. At the end of the session, the resource person addressed queries from the students. As a token of appreciation, all participants were provided with E-certificates.”
Co-Organizing unit               : IEEE SJCE SBÂ
Conducted Date                    : 09/11/23
Total no. of Participants       : 150