Computer Society – 18.04.2020-25.04.2020 The IEEE Student Branch of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai has organized an online event Labyrinth 2.0 conducted by the computer society from 18 th April 2020 to 25 th April 2020. This event focused on the technical prowess and R&D skills of individuals and 15 best ideas were shortlisted […]
Webinar on Introduction to UI Designing
11.4.2020 – Computer Society The IEEE Student Branch of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai has organized a webinar under Computer Society on Introduction to UI designing on 11th April 2020 from 7:00 P.M. onwards, this webinar was planned to enlighten the basics of UI and almost 50 participants from various colleges have participated in […]
Code March
28.3.2020 – Computer Society The IEEE SBC of St Joseph’s College of Engineering , Chennai has organized an online event ” CODEMARCH” Conducted by CS Society on 28.03.2020. This event has focused the basic programming skills of the individuals and there are 930students from various college. The various programming Language like C,C++ and so. It […]
Awareness Program
Computer Society – 20.03.2020 The IEEE Student Branch of St Joseph’s College of Engineering , Chennai has conducted on awareness program for the new IEEE Students members of computer society on 20.03.2020 with MR. Vijay Kumar as the key speaker. The newly joined members were given a one hour lecture about the benefits of activities […]