IEEE IAS conducted a poetry event “EL-MAG” on 19th March 2022. About 25 participated in this event. Winners were awarded with merit certificates and the winners were Ms. Ayesha Parveen(1) Ms.AkshayaKrishnen(2).

 IEEE IAS SJCE is conducting an event “IND EXPO’22”, industrial visit series. In the very first company, ANDSLITE, about 30 participated to witness the manufacturing unit of the company. It was conducted through google meet considering the pandemic.

IEEE SJCE IAS conducted an online equation quiz event “Equilibrium” on October 23, 2021. About 25 participated in this event.E-Certificates were distributed to all the active participants who had participated in the event. This event indeed helped the participants to know about different electrical equations and tested their technical knowledge related to balancing equations. Winners […]

IEEE SJCE IAS conducted an online logo quiz event “Electrocrest” on June 20, 2021. About 30 participated in this event. E-Certificates were distributed to all the active participants who had participated in the event. This event indeed helped the participants to know about different electrical based companies and their logo. Winners were awarded with merit […]

The IEEE Industry applications Society of St.Joseph’s College of Engineering ,Conducted an online manuscript writing event named “ELECTRO’MANUSCRITO” on the topic “INDUSTRY 4.0”.About 15 people participated in this event. It was a very useful event which helped the participants in knowing about the topic and also their writing skills .The participants were provided with participation […]

IEEE Industrial Automation Society – 24 April 2021 to 28 April 2021 The IEEE Industrial Automation Society of St Joseph’s College of Engineering conducted a poetry event “Sonnetech” from 24 April 2021 to 28 April 2021. About 10 participated in this event. Winners were awarded merit certificates. Participants were given a participation certificate on successful […]