The IEEE Power Electronics Society of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering Organized “Unscramble”. It is a circuit debugging event with two rounds. The 1st round was a quiz with basic circuit analysis problems to shortlist the participants, which was conducted on 06.04.2022. The second round was held on 10.04.2022 on the Tinkercad platform. Circuits with flaws were presented In the Google meet and the participants rectified them and designed their circuits on Tinkercad. Finally, all the participants were asked to simulate their circuits. Over 20 participants participated, and they have received e-certificates. Best participants were appreciated with merit certificates. At the end of the session, the solution to the problem was explained to the participants and a few circuit debugging concepts were discussed. The student coordinators for this event were Elanchezhiyan R J, Karthikeyan M, Jesse S, Alwyn Samuel M, Divya Lakshmi G, Poojasree K, and Hemaa K.